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'Bros For Change' kõrero ki Te Upoko Radio



Ruwani Perera

"This is a chance for them to actually just be a young man, have no pressure and have fun and maybe a new experience," says 'Bros for Change' founder, Jaye Pukepuke.


5:47 pm on 21 May 2020

Meriana Johnsen, Journalist

Bros for Change is a twenty week long kaupapa Māori programme that uses mau rakau, haka, and traditional food gathering practices to give rangatahi the skills get back into education or employment.


Wednesday, 20 May 2020, 6:24 pm
Press Release: Te Putahitanga o Te Waipounamu

Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu is ecstatic that local legend, Jaye Pukepuke, and his transformation programme, Bros for Change, has been recognised with a significant funding announcement from Ministers Hon Shane Jones and Hon Willie Jackson.


1:29 pm on 12 November 2018

A new short film, Bros for Change, directed by Struan Purdie for The Wireless, follows Jaye as he takes a group of kids on a six-week camp in an attempt to turn their lives around.


9:32, Jan 26 2018


A kaupapa-based programme working with Māori youth in east Christchurch is showcased in a new documentary airing in the city this week.

The 20-minute documentary Tell Me I Can't explores youth programme Bros For Change, opening in Christchurch on Friday.


05:27, Oct 11 2014


His life today, as a Christchurch youth worker, father of a four-year-old daughter, player-coach of the Papanui and Canterbury Maori teams and a former mixed martial arts fighter, is light years away from the young man who squandered six years of his youth in a jail cell.

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